Saturday, August 30, 2008

Some pictures of what we have done so far...

Living room...Still need some curtains up on the window...

Another view of living room...

And, another view...I want tile by the door.

My springy green pantry...We still have more shelves to add in here.

The Kitchen...finally paint is complete downstairs!!

I need something else on top of the fridge..Any suggestions??
And, another view of the kitchen.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back to school night

Logan's preschool had their back to school night last night! He's going to be in school twice a week for 2 1/2 hours each day. He has two teachers, Mrs. Regal and Mrs. Lindsay and there will be 7 others in his class, so it'll be pretty small. The room he is in is the duck room..So, my baby is now officially a little duck...Quack Quack!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mommy and some of her friends...

Me and Jenn...My California (soon to be Denver!!) Friend!! I missssss you!!

Me and Ozzie...The white pants weren't planned...Great minds just think alike!!

All about Logan...

Logan likes to play on the lil quad...Cracker in hand...glasses on...and he's ready to roll!!

Loves playing ball with the dog...But, poor Macie has to wait forever for Logan to actually THROW the ball.

Carrotts and Ranch dressing...More like ranch dressing though!!

Logan and Britton playing at the backdoor. They both thought this was a really funny game and couldn't stop laughing at each other.

Oh wow. Mommy needs a tan.

Glad I caught 'em before it was too late...Two 2 year olds who are supposed to be washing their hands...Mmmmm T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Showing off their 6 packs....LOL

This face is classic. Love him so much, my little painter!

Look'n good, Logan!!

Logan with his first ever ice cream man ice cream!

Hey, at least he's not playing in high heels,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Off to Mexico we go...Minus Logan

We have arrived!!!

We had an awesome view from our room!

Our home for the week...

Taking a break from our loooong walk to find a bus...

Another picture...Say CHEESE!!

We looked so retarded.

I'm ready to zip thru the jungle!!

Here comes Eugene...Weeeeeee

Yeah. Plain stupid. Stick a snakes head in your mouth...

This was sooo not fun.

This lil sucker bit my finger...I was done at that point, but I still wanted a picture with him...

This was one of my favorite things on the trip...I love this lil guy!!

On our way to the waterfall...Hi, Eugene!!

Making my way up a scary wooden bridge...Where IS this waterfall???

Ok. We made it.

I was not thrilled to be standing in ice cold water...but, I was under a huge waterfall...

Eugene and me...Minus make-up...Ahhh.

Love the Mexico sunsets.

On our way to Las Calitas..No, he's not practicing his uppercut...He was trying to move my hair.

The best underwater shot ever!!

Still having fun with the underwater camera...LOL

Las Calitas, Mexico...Our private beach for the day.

Aren't we sooo cute.

Mmmm....Gotta love the pasta!

We cooked dinner one night in our room and brought it down to the beach for a picnic!!

Eugene and his street taco's..He had to have 'em..and they were GOOD!!!

This other dog ended up coming along and my doggie left me to run off with him...

My wild Mexico doggie...

At our favorite resturant in Bucerias - Miguel Angels.

The Pirate ship - our last night there - dinner and show cruise

Eugene and I on the Pirate Ship...I love this picture.

Waiting for the city bus to take us to the airport...