Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Family Snapshot

My sweet lil family!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

Mommy was the chosen one to take Logan out to Trick or Treat since Daddy had to work! Logan and I started off the night at Cici's Pizza buffet for dinner...Three pieces of pizza later and a spilt fruit punch later...we were OFF! Ha ha. Logan did really good...No tantrums and no fits the whole time we were trick or treating! He was a lil nervous to start off since alot of the houses were decorated pretty scary...but, all it took was Mommy to hold his hand and he was then a brave lil man =) He told the people who gave out the candy "trick treat" and then "thank you" and "bye bye" After we filled his Thomas bucket it was off to bed...after a few candy bars together...hee hee

Pumpkin Painting

Logan and Daddy painted pumpkins this year instead of carving them since Logan hates his hands dirty and thats ALL that would have happened if they would have!! Mommy didn't get to paint one because she was at work =0 Logan is super proud of his pumkin and everytime that we come home from somewhere, he'll stop and sit and look at his "creation"