Saturday, January 24, 2009

Puppy Stoli

Puppy Stoli arrived on Monday January 19th at around 10:00am. We had been trying for some time for a brother or sister for Bourbon - We started with the rescue groups and had ZERO luck with them...Not that they didn't have any dogs we liked - it was the fact they would never return phone calls or answer emails so after driving an hour up to Ft. Colins to SEE one of the rescue dogs at an adoption place - ONLY to find out that two of the three we were interested in were placed in foster homes the day BEFORE and their foster parents couldn't be reached and the third we were told wasn't good around female dogs - now, if we would have been told this before...So, we decided to give the shelters a try and found Stoli at the Englewood shelter. He's about 6 months old and is mixed with Shepherd and Rottweiler. Bourbon and Stoli NEVER stop playing with each other and yes it is quite annoying - But, we all love 'em!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Logan's FIRST dentist appointment

Logan had his very first dentist appointment yesterday! I found an office up here, "A Wild Smile" that caters just to kids - their whole office caters to kids! Their office is decorated as a jungle. There are trees with monkeys hanging from them, a play area and tons of stickers! As soon as we got there, they took a picture of Logan for his "passport" photo and the assistant kept giving him stickers to put in his passport throughout the visit. They did a great job with Logan. He let them clean his teeth, do floride and he let the dentist check his teeth with his instruments!

Logan picking his toothbrush...He choose a Tigger one =)

Checking out the dental instruments...and even squirted Daddy with the water!!

Holding on to his passport while she showed him all the fun things she was going to put in his mouth...LOL

Mommy DID have to hold Logan so he'd lay back in the chair...

And, now the dentist came to count his teeth and check for cavities...ZERO!! =)