Finally, I've had some time to upload our Thanksgiving pictures! My Mom and Ed drove up from California to do Thanksgiving with us and we decided to do Christmas too with them since they won't see us on Christmas! Logan got really attached to them this trip and kept asking about them after they left. It was really cute - Logan saw Ed's coffee cup as I was loading it in the dishwasher and he says "papa?" and when he broke his train track he'd look at me and say "papa?" since Papa was the one helping him and building the track with him.
The night that they got in we took them up to Flatiron's to ice skate. Logan had a blast being drug around the rink and eatting his cookie...Until Daddy went a little too fast on one of the turns and Logan and cookie went flying across the ice.
Logan got TONS of stuff and was thrilled with each thing he opened. It was ALL about CARS the movie and his train table that finally made it's way from Grandma's house to his!!! The track you see him sitting with above went back to the store. It was HUGE. WAY too big for him. It wouldn't even fit on his train table and he kept getting frusturated with it...So, it went back and we got him a wooden track which is much better for him.

Peeling yams with the dogs. She brought her dog up with her so he could visit too =)

Peeling yams with the dogs. She brought her dog up with her so he could visit too =)
As you can see, my Mom is THRILLED that her turkey turned out.

And, she was also just as excited with the side dishes too so she had to take pic's on her cell phone..LOL.

Logan was in awe of all the trees!!

Mommy and her snow angel. We drove up to Winterpark to get our Christmas tree.

This picture cracks me up. It's like the uni bomber times two...LOL

And, she was also just as excited with the side dishes too so she had to take pic's on her cell phone..LOL.
Logan wasn't thrilled with Thanksgiving dinner. He had two bites of Turkey and gave his roll to the dog and wouldn't touch anything else. Maybe next year...
Logan was in awe of all the trees!!
Mommy and her snow angel. We drove up to Winterpark to get our Christmas tree.
This picture cracks me up. It's like the uni bomber times two...LOL
See...Our car in the background with the tree loaded up!!!

Bourbon LOVED the snow. She is totally a Colorado snow pup!!

Got home with the tree and found out that the tree was too tall for our living room so the tree had to be brought back outside so the guys could go to get a saw and chop some of the bottom off. Then, once they came back - the tree wouldn't stand up in the tree stand I bought...So, that took some more time and thought from them...LOL...THEN, the lights only half worked so off to Walmart the guys go to return the bad lights and thankfully all the new lights worked, the tree is up and looks great!!!

Got home with the tree and found out that the tree was too tall for our living room so the tree had to be brought back outside so the guys could go to get a saw and chop some of the bottom off. Then, once they came back - the tree wouldn't stand up in the tree stand I bought...So, that took some more time and thought from them...LOL...THEN, the lights only half worked so off to Walmart the guys go to return the bad lights and thankfully all the new lights worked, the tree is up and looks great!!!
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